Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jonah: 8 days new

In case you don't remember Megan, Ryan and Addison from their maternity photos, here is a refresher: Maternity Session.

During their maternity session, they threw out the idea of having me there to photograph their natural birth at a birthing center. Having a love for medicine, I of course said yes right away! Then came the waiting..and waiting...and waiting. I was so excited to get a call from them last Sunday with the news that she was in labor. I hurried to the birthing center where I was greeted with the biggest smile by Addison. I spent quite a few hours with them while we waited for baby Lewman's arrival (sex was still unknown). Their plan was to have a water birth, so everything was set and ready to go for it. Megan was doing great, and everyone was in an overall good mood. We took a stroll around the block in hopes of speeding up the labor...but unfortunately nothing seemed to help. The decision was then for me to go home and expect a call from them when they really thought something would happen.

4am on Monday morning rolls around and I get a phone call from Ryan. They thought the baby would arrive in an hour or so, so I gathered my things and headed over to the birthing center again. 4 hours later, still nothing. :( The decision was made to head over to the hospital (poor Megan was running on 36 hours of labor!), so I went with them to keep an eye on Addison. I really loved the experience, and I loved being able to spend time with this precious little girl. She was so much fun to be around, and she has the biggest heart. Overhearing that a c-section may be in the near future, I decided to take Addison on a walk so she didn't have to witness anything like that. She was extremely brave to this point (very impressive for a 4 year old!), but it was obvious that she was struggling watching her mommy in so much pain. So off for a walk we went...and boom, 5 minutes later I get a text message from Ryan saying "it's a boy!" Of course. I spend 11 hours with them, and the 5 minutes I'm gone is when Jonah decides to make his grand entrance! Luckily it was natural (I guess Jonah heard "c-section" and said "no no, I'm coming out!"), and everything ended up great. He is as cute as a button, and I really had such a great time getting to know the family. Anyway, enough of my ranting and on to some photos! Enjoy! :)

Some photos from the birthing center and hospital followed by newborn photos

Newborn portraits! <3

Stella & Tom: Married!

Last year I decided to become part of an amazing organization called Wish Upon a Wedding. If you haven't heard of it, you should really check it out! It is a non-profit organization granting wedding wishes to couples who may be facing life-altering or terminal illnesses.

Not long after I donated wedding photography to WUAW did I get an e-mail stating that someone bid on my services. It was really exciting, I have to say! Rosie (27 Miracles Wedding Consulting) helped Stella and Tom find many vendors for their wedding. I met Stella and Tom at last years Christmas event thrown by Rosie and her team. And as luck would have it for them, they also won the door prize for a free session that I gave away at the event! :) They used it for an engagement session, and I am so happy that they did. It allowed us to get comfortable with each other and make sure that they would be ready for the spotlight on their big day! This past weekend was their beautiful military wedding. It was really amazing being part of this, and I look forward to participating in Wish Upon a Wedding more in the future.

Enjoy your sneak peek!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Gee's & Negvesky's

In case you don't remember this incredible family from our mini-sessions a few weeks ago, here is the link to see it again (Negvesky Family). This time I met with their ENTIRE family. It was the largest group of people in one session that I've had to date, and somehow it was one of the easiest sessions I've ever done! The kids are all so incredibly well-behaved, and so much love just oozes out of this family. I could have spent hours with them!

Enjoy the sneak peek of a beautiful family; inside and out!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1500 Fan Giveaway

Welcome to our 1,500 fan giveaway! Your constant support over the past couple of years has really helped Sivan Photography flourish! To say "thank you," we have decided to have a giveaway. Below are details and rules about our special giveaway. Please read carefully, and good luck!

What is the prize? We are giving away a free session of up to two hours. This will include unlimited digital edited images on your disc along with copyright release! There is no limit to the number of people in the session, however it must be one family (we must put a cap on this or we might get 3 families for one session!) and you can have up to two wardrobe changes.

*Note that we travel to the Ft. Lauderdale area from time to time. Feel free to enter if you are in that area! :)

Your free session may be used for one of the following:
Family Session
Newborn Session
Engagement Session
Trash/Rock the Dress Session
Holiday Session
Bridesmaids Session
...or anything else you can think of!

How do I sign up? Please follow the rules below.

1,500 Fan Giveaway Rules:
1. You may enter only one time (see step 4 for exceptions)
2. You must first become a fan of Sivan Photography
3. Once you are a fan, come back to this blog post and comment on it stating that you are now a fan! This is how you enter the first time.
4. To enter twice, post on your Facebook page that Sivan Photography is having a 1,500 Fan Giveaway. Link our fan page to your status by preceding "Sivan Photography" with the @ symbol.
5. Once you have updated your status with this information, you may then come back to this blog post and paste a link to your Facebook page; this is how we can see that you posted it, and this is how you may enter the drawing a second time.
6. Once we reach 1,500 fans, we will use Random.org to generate a random number. The comment number on this blog post that matches the randomly generated number will be our lucky winner!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Avery turns one!

This morning I met with Avery and her momma at Blue Jacket Park. Avery was in a great mood and allowed us to change her outfits multiple times without even one complaint! She is such a sweet little baby!

Enjoy the sneak peek! :)

Capturing Life's Most Stunning Moments!